Equally important, the early reduction of input data also reduces the volume of data read by WebSphere DataStage. 同样不容忽视的是,通过早期减少输入数据,可以减少WebSphereDataStage读取的数据量。
Reduction of return data based on better definition of metadata ( using External tables) 根据更好的元数据定义减少返回数据(使用外部表)
We shall consider the acquistion and reduction of magnetic data. 我们将对磁力资料的取得和校正加以讨论。
The reduction of data and the accuracy of results are discussed. 数据的归纳和结果的精确度将作讨论。
The effects of relativity on a lot of subjects in astrometry have been discussed and applied in reduction of data. 天体测量学许多问题中的相对论效应已被许多人讨论过并在资料处理中应用。
So the muti-class problem can be solved, the accuracy of classification guaranteed, and the reduction of the data carried out. 这样,既解决了多值分类问题,提高了分类精度,又实现了数据压缩。
Consequently, the use of these statistical methods often tead to an accuracy reduction of the data because of the unreasonable deletion of the high values in the sample. 因此,用统计法剔除异常值会使那些非正态样本的高值被不合理地剔除掉,从而使环境数据的准确性受到损害。
The Noise Reduction of Data Acquisition Circuit 数据采集电路的噪声抑制
The order-depression solution for large-scale integral equation and its application in the reduction of gravity data to a horizontal plane 大型积分方程降阶解法与重力资料曲面延拓
The advantage of this method lies in the reduction of data redundancy, and image quality and signal-to-noise ratio are improved. 该方法的优点在于去除了原始图像上的数据冗余,提高了融合后图像的信息量和信噪比。
The results show that, in some situations, the proposed heuristic algorithm of attribute reduction can boost reduction quality of data to some extent. 说明在某些情况下,提出的属性约简算法在一定程度上能够提高数据的约简质量。
The segmentation separates the points in the blend region from the rest of the input point cloud with the processes of reduction of point data, estimation of local surface curvature properties and comparison of maximum curvature values. 在数据分块算法中,通过数据精简、曲率估算和曲率比较等步骤,将过渡区域的数据点从原始点云数据中分离出来;
Fuzzy rough set theory is an effective tool for reduction of data dimension, but there are few dimension reduction algorithms that are based on fuzzy rough set theory so far. 模糊粗糙集理论是解决数据集维数问题的有效工具,但基于模糊粗糙集的降维算法还不多。
The paper also discussed the influence of different compression ratio on the reduction of gravity data to a horizontal plane and illustrates the application effect of the method by the result of the reduction of gravity data to a horizontal plane in Y oilfield of southern China. 文中还讨论了不同压缩比对曲化平结果的影响,并通过我国川东北油气田的重力资料曲化平结果说明了该方法的应用效果。
It includes the proposing of the theory, some relevant fundamental concepts, the reduction of data and attributes, KRS, decision analysis, and the reduction of decision rules. 包括理论的提出,一些基本的概念,数据的约简,知识表达系统,属性的约简,决策逻辑和决策规则最小化等。
The implementation of the acquisition of the experimental data set, the reduction of the data attribution and other steps was analyzed. The principles of data attribution reduction based on entropy measurement and decision tree algorithm were given to solve the key problems in the scheme. 分析了包括场致发射有限元分析试验数据结果集获取、数据属性归约等步骤的实现过程,给出了基于熵度量的数据属性集归约和决策树算法原理,从而解决了方案实现的关键问题。
The Locally Linear Embedding ( LLE) algorithm is an effective technique for nonlinear dimensionality reduction of high-dimensional data. It has low time-complexity and strong ability to express manifold. 局部线性嵌入(LLE)算法是有效的非线性降维方法,时间复杂度低并具有强的流形表达能力。
Interest management has mainly two goals, one is reduction of irrelevant data to flow to additional simulation nodes and network bandwidths to consume, the other is to cut down the consumption of performing data filtering in receiving simulation nodes. 兴趣管理的目的主要有两个:一是尽可能减少不相关数据在仿真站点之间的流动,减少网络带宽的占用;二是降低仿真节点接收冗余数据时引起的处理开销。
By the ant colony algorithm, several signature bands reflecting the material spectral distribution are selected from the whole spectral bands, and the band subspaces of reduced dimensionality are formed, in which the purpose for the dimensionality reduction of hyperspectral data is reached. 通过蚁群算法从众多的光谱波段中挑选出能够反映地物光谱空间分布的特征波段,形成降维的波段子空间达到了降低高光谱图像数据维的目的。
By defining contrast parameter, without reduction of data, we can probe the variety of electron localization finely. 通过定义对比度,在不作任何信息还原的情况下,可以很好地测得电子的局域度变化情况。
However, constrained by the privacy protection requirements, even if the optimal k-anonymity algorithm can not produce completely accurate data, k-anonymity privacy protection model has led to the reduction of the data usability. The recipient rejects the data as junk data. 然而,受隐私保护要求的制约,即使最优化的k-匿名算法,也不能产生完全精确的数据,正因为这种不精确性导致了数据可用性的降低,数据接受者当作垃圾数据而拒之门外。
The time-serial generalization principal component analysis can not only realize the dimension reduction of raw data, make it easy to single out and tackle the principal contradiction, but also add the time-serial of indicators to dynamically evaluate competitiveness for commercial banks. 因为时序全局主成分分析法不仅能够实现对原始数据的降维,迅速让我们抓住主要矛盾,而且可以将指标的时间序列加入进来,从而实现对商业银行竞争力的动态评价。
Simulation experiment shows that it can effectively alleviate the conflict between the reduction of data storage and the reduction of query accuracy about the historical data on the whole. 模拟实验表明它能从整体上有效缓解对历史数据的存储空间释放与查询误差增大之间的冲突。
The algorithms make use of the restricted characteristics of multidimensional set association rule and can execute a triplicate prune on candidate set with a reduction of data set, which make them a better performance than that of Apriori or FP-growth algorithms. 该算法利用多维集关联规则的限制特征缩减数据集和对侯选集三重剪枝,具有比直接使用Apriori、FP-growth等算法更好的性能。
In this thesis uses the support vector machine decision tree algorithm ( SVMDT) to implement the data dimensionality reduction of data mining in data preprocessing. 本文利用支持向量机决策树算法(SVMDT)来实现数据挖掘预处理步骤中的数据降维。
Topic model has being widely used in the tasks such as dimensionality reduction of data 、 ambiguous searching and object categorization and so on. 主题模型在数据降维,模糊搜索、目标分类等方面都有着广泛的应用。
ICA uses higher order statistical properties of the data, which can achieve dimensionality reduction of hyperspectral data and hyperspectral unmixing. ICA利用数据之间的高阶统计特性,既能实现对高光谱数据的降维,也能用于高光谱数据的混合像元分解。
The adoption of the unified recognition system brings reduction of data disagreements and unified management of system access purview. 采用统一身份认证系统减少了原有分散认证的数据不一致性,对应用系统访问权限进行统一控制。
L1-COX model is used for dimension reduction of high-dimensional data but effect of processing linear is weaker. L1-COX模型主要用来对高维数据进行降维而处理共线性的功能稍弱。
Feature selection, as an effective method in dimensionality reduction of high-dimensional data, has been widely used in many practical applications such as text categorization, information retrieval and genetic analysis. 特征选择作为高维数据降维的有效方法,已被广泛应用在文本分类、信息检索、遗传基因分析等领域。